我們正在訓練AI系統為黑白照片增色。 *著色基於在線。
“ImageColorizer is a free Android app you can use to colorize images for free. The app is very simple: you upload the photo you'd like to colorize and you wait for the colorization to complete in the cloud. ”
Editor, from SOOFTWARE
“Colorization definitely helps an image/video appear more vivid, enthralling, and realistic. Comparing to colorizing videos, colorizing images is simple and easy.”
Editor, from Tunde Sanusi
“As a bonus tip, if you have killer black and white images that can use coloring just go and check out Image Colorizer tool. You will love it.”
Founder, from CUPOFGLORY
“لدينا الحل البسيط والسريع للقيام بعملية تلوين الصور القديمة وذلك عن طريق موقع متخصص سهل الاستخدام ومجاني يسمى image colorizer. هذا الموقع يمكنك من تلوين الصور القديمة باللون الابيض والاسود ويجعلها مشرقة بشكل سريع ودون الحاجة للقيام بعمل الكثير.”
Editor, from Tunde MNARTADEN
"Picture Colorizer definitely stands out to be the best. The tool uses an advanced AI algorithm and ensures the best quality outcomes."
Founder, from Tarun Bhardwaj
“What an instantaneous colourizing of b&w photos. The work is done the moment the picture is uploaded. The app produces colour shades beyond imagination. Congratulations and thanks the developer.”
User, from GooglePlay